Live export protest – enough is enough!

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Petition delivery On Tuesday 9th July we held a protest outside Agriculture House and delivered a petition to Minister McConalogue, signed by nearly 7,000 mostly Irish citizens. Well, an assistant accepted it, and despite following up we have received no … Continued

EC audit finds calf exports from Ireland breach transport regulations

The European Commission (EC) recently confirmed that Ireland is breaking the law when exporting unweaned calves to Europe. This is an issue that EFI has known about, and been campaigning against, for many years. Calves are typically exported from Ireland … Continued

2023 – a year in review

Once again the year was dominated by live export, which saw a 12% increase and another new market coming on the scene – Israel. Unweaned calf export increased by 19%, but export outside the EU actually decreased by 42%, with … Continued

Irish dairy bulls – a fate worse than veal

RTE Investigates exposed the Irish dairy industries dirty secret in July 2023.  It highlighted the horrendous ordeal unweaned calves go through, mostly male dairy calves that are an unwanted by product of the industry. It featured a cruel veal farm … Continued

Dundeady Free Range Farm

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Almost all Irish pigs are reared in intensive systems, never getting to experience the outdoors or carry out natural behaviours. However, the good news is there are more and more free range pig farms popping up around the country and … Continued