Live Export Protest October 2021

On Tuesday 19th October Ethical Farming Ireland held a joint protest with My Lovely Pig Rescue to raise awareness of the live export industry. The event was triggered by the announcement of a new trade deal with China for breeding pigs.

The majority of pigs in Ireland already have a terrible existence from birth to death and sending them on a 12 hour flight to China, where they have no animal weflare laws, high rise pig factories and no requirement to stun before slaughter, just adds insult to injury. Pigs are intelligent, sensitive animals and do not travel well. During a long haul flight they would have to contend with excessive noise, changes in air pressure and temperature and turbulence. However, what would happen to them in China is of greater concern. The pig population there was decimated by African Swine Fever and there have been many stories of pigs being buried alive, in an attempt to combat the disease. No animal deserves to be treated this way.

The protest was attended by actor and animal welfare campaigner Pauline McLynn as well as singer song writer Cathy Davey, co founder of My Lovely Pig Rescue, and her partner Neil Hannon of Divine Comedy. Animal Rebellion Ireland helped with props including a distraught air flight attendant and three little pigs. The press coverage was immense and I would like to thank everyone who came to the event and who helped with the organistion.

Here are links to the press coverage:

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